Dr. Sebi's Cell Food is determined to continue Dr. Sebi's research and development of products that support natural approaches to physical and mental wellness. This includes a new range of full spectrum CBD, derived from one of Dr. Sebi's favorite plants, hemp.
Cannabinoids (CBD) found in hemp have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Extracted holistically to preserve the full spectrum of benefits from this remarkable plant, Dr. Sebi's Cell Food is proud to offer this healing herb.
Dr. Sebi shared ancient knowledge that was ahead of its time. Hopefully, one day, we'll see a world where humanity lives in harmony with nature, and if we get there, we'll know we couldn't have achieved it without Dr. Sebi's contribution.
*Disclaimer: We are not medical doctors. We do not diagnose illness or prescribe pharmaceuticals. We are nutritional consultants and make suggestions relating to nutrition. None of the information offered here is intended to replace any program that your chosen health professional has prescribed for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before adopting new nutritional regimens.